Dear customers,
the end of the year is almost around the corner and we would like to take this opportunity to release another new CrewBrain version for this year. This time it includes extensive enhancements to the work instructions, which have been requested by many customers for some time, as well as adjustments and enhancements in the area of absence & time recording.
In addition to information on the new features in this version we would also like to review the entire year 2024 in this update info and look back on the many innovations that we were able to introduce this year.
The new version will be available to all our customers as usual from tomorrow. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you lots of fun and success in the coming weeks and especially in the run-up to Christmas.
Your CrewBrain team
Work instructions / confirmationsThe option of managing work instructions and confirmations in CrewBrain has been available for several years. Over this time, we have collected many optimization requests and have now been able to implement them in the new version. |
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New list dialogThe list of instructions under Administration > Staff > Instructions has been expanded and search options have been added. Only active instructions are now displayed by default, making it much easier to manage instructions. |
HistorizationIf an instruction has been created and accepted or confirmed by at least one employee, it can no longer be edited in CrewBrain. Instead, a new version of the instruction can be created from the dialog, which is then linked to the old one and replaces it. In this way, changes are traceable and will in future require the employee's confirmation again. |
Recurring instructionsA work instruction can be set to recur in future. This makes it possible, for example, to obtain a new confirmation from employees every six months or annually for safety instructions and to send them updated information if necessary. |
Validity dateA validity date can now also be stored for each instruction. Once this date has been reached, the instruction is automatically marked as inactive by the system and therefore no longer needs to be processed by other employees. |
SignaturesAnother frequently expressed wish is the option of obtaining signatures from employees instead of a simple confirmation. As this feature also needs to be implemented in the app, we unfortunately have to ask for a little more patience here, but we have the topic on our list and will submit it soon. |
Vacation & substitutesFor some versions, it has already been possible to force the specification of a substitute when creating vacation requests and to ask for their approval. We have now added some important elements to this function. |
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Default substituteA default substitute can be defined for each employee. This person is automatically set as the substitute for new absence requests and then receives the corresponding application before it is sent to the superior for final approval. |
Optional substituteIn future, it will also be possible to define for each employee whether the specification of a substitute is optional or whether no substitute is required. This makes it easier to implement exceptions where no two-stage approval is required, particularly when used for a two-stage approval process. |
Time recording – Rounding working hoursFrom this version onwards, the rounding of working hours can be subdivided even more precisely. For example, the rounding algorithm can only be applied to times that are attributable to a job, a project, a task or independent times. |
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Current trade fairsLEaTcon in Hamburg, Germany from October 22-24 marked the successful start of the next trade fair season for us. It continues in December with the LDI in Las Vegas. |
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LDI, Las Vegas, December 8 – 10, 2024
ISE, Barcelona, February 4 – 7, 2025We will be exhibiting for the first time at Integrated Systems Europe in Barcelona next year. At stand 6E300 we will show you how you can further optimize your personnel management and crew communication. |
Prolight + Sound, Frankfurt, april 8 – 11, 2025As in previous years, we will also be represented by our team in Frankfurt and, as usual, will be bringing the trade fair season to a close with that fair. |
Review 2024The time for the big annual reviews usually comes in December, but we would like to take the opportunity already today to look back on some of the major enhancements and optimizations of the past year. |
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Risk assessmentsWe significantly upgraded the risk assessment right at the start of the year. In addition to the versioning of hazards and the recognition and management of duplicates, we have significantly expanded the assignment of rights in this area. It is now also possible to insert documents and images and to copy hazards quickly and easily. |
Short-term employment & mini-jobsAs of this year, CrewBrain has corresponding counting functions for days worked for short-term employees. In addition, the earnings limit for mini-jobbers is monitored and warnings are issued if a booking exceeds the permitted earnings limit. |
Geo-FencingDuring the revision of our app, we were able to introduce a new geo-fencing function that allows users to receive reminders when they enter or leave the company or a location. This prevents people from forgetting to clock in and out too often. |
TendersWe have also expanded the invitations to tender with a new dialog and many new options. It is now possible to send invitations to tender to specific groups of employees and select them in even greater detail. |
Outlook for 2025We already have some major projects in the pipeline for the coming year 2025 and will continue to develop CrewBrain consistently. With the new API interface presented in the last Update-Info, we have already laid important foundations for future enhancements this year, so that we can also technically break new and improved ground in the future – stay tuned! |
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