Dear clients,
the last quarter of the year has begun, but for us the real highlights are still to come. Next week we will be at LEaTcon in Hamburg, Germany and are already looking forward to many interesting discussions. This will be followed in November by the German Tourism Day in Bielefeld, Germany and in December by the LDI in Las Vegas, US – we can hardly await it.
But of course the development of CrewBrain is not resting and so we are happy to present you today once again a new version, which will be available for you from tomorrow. We would like to explain the new features of this version in this update info.
We wish you continued success with CrewBrain.
Your CrewBrain Team
Safety briefingsOn the topic of work safety, we already introduced a major feature in April with the risk assessment, which adds a very large component of work safety to the functions such as emergency contacts, electronic first-aid book and work instructions. In this update, a new module is added: safety briefings. |
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DocumentationThe safety briefings are started directly in CrewBrain and documented with start and end time and, if necessary, comments on the content. In addition, the employees concerned can be selected and notified of the briefing via push notification. |
SigningEvery employee who takes part in a safety briefing must document this by signature. With CrewBrain, we digitize this process as well, so that employees can choose to sign directly on their own smartphone or on the instructor's smartphone or tablet. |
Try it outThe safety briefings are part of our feature "Risk assessments". If you want to test this feature please contact our support. |
Projects & JobsIn the Projects & Jobs area, there are several independent enhancements and optimizations in the various views. We would like to present these to you in the following. |
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Copy working hoursWhen copying working hours to other employees, it is now possible to select even more flexibly for which persons these working hours are to be used. The employees themselves can now be selected, no longer just groups such as "booked" or "without times". |
Category notesThe notes that are stored for staff categories are now also visible in the personnel plan and in the subjob overview. Marked by an asterisk, the notes can be viewed directly from these views via MouseOver. |
Change of wagesWhen changing wages for freelancers or employees there is now also an option "Apply to all sub-jobs". With this function, the wage for one person can be changed easily and quickly for all sub-jobs of a project or main job. |
Paid breaksUp to now, it was only possible to specify whether an employee should receive paid breaks for all jobs in the respective payroll period. In the future, this will be possible for each job individually, so that it can be decided for each job whether breaks should be paid or not. |
Guaranteed hoursAs with paid breaks, the employee list in the jobs now also offers the option to store guaranteed hours for time recording per job. Important: these only apply to employees with time recording, for employees or especially freelancers with statements, guaranteed hours will still be stored in the wage settings in the job. |
Time quotasFor projects, it is possible from this version to define time quotas via the project dashboard (e.g. 50h planning time). These quotas are then also taken into account in the calculation and invoice insert and can of course be stored with individual hourly wages or daily rates. |
Vacation overviewIn the calendar, we have extended the vacation overview in this update. There it is now visible if more than one vacation entry (e.g. a sick note and a vacation) are stored on one day. This way, errors and duplicate entries are noticed more quickly in this view. |
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Rights & User GroupsThe user management and especially the assignment of user groups are an extremely powerful tool in CrewBrain. Nevertheless, we regularly receive requests to add even more gradations and optimizations. |
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Extended scopeThe scope of a right (own department, subordinate employees, etc.) can now also be assigned for entire departments, locations or staff categories. Which exactly are relevant can be defined at the very end below the different rights, here also a multiple selection is possible in each case. |
BranchesIn this way, it is possible, for example, to authorize an employee to access the base data for a specific branch – regardless of whether this person is himself a supervisor or a member of this area. |
DepartmentsThe same function is also available for departments and thus allows, for example, to authorize a person to the vacation overview of another department to enable cross-departmental vacation planning. |
Staff categoriesRestriction to employees with a specific staff category is also possible. For example, schedulers can be given the right to schedule only employees from certain trades (e.g. rigging). |
Time recordingAn update without customization or extension of time tracking is now almost inconceivable. Although CrewBrain already has an extremely extensive range of options and possibilities, we still regularly receive requests for further rules and extensions. |
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Approval dependent on target hoursIn the settings there is an additional option for automatic approval of working hours depending on reaching the target working hours + x minutes. In this way, it is possible, for example, to send overtime that is more than 30 minutes above the usual target working hours to the approval process. |
Surcharge basisUp to now, the base salary plus all allowances was automatically used as the basis for the bonus. In the future, it will be possible to specify individually for each wage component whether it is to be paid only on the basic salary or also on allowances. |
Lump sum paymentsUntil now, payouts were only possible on an hourly or daily basis (for vacations). As of this version, there is also the option for lump-sum payments – for example, meal expenses, tips, etc. |
Hours per weekIn the time recording it is now also possible to specify the number of working hours on a weekly basis. In this case, the hours are also only ever deducted on a weekly basis. For the classic 40-hour week with 5 working days, we therefore still strongly recommend leaving the setting at 8 hours per day. |
Further optimizationsAs usual, we have also made other optimizations in the system, which we would also like to present to you. |
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Color schemeThe switch between the light and dark color scheme can now be synchronized with the color scheme of the operating system if desired. This can be activated with a corresponding check mark under My Account > Settings. |
Base data importIn the base data there is now a simple import option for Excel or CSV lists with employee, customer or location data. The import is freely configurable and thus works with any input formats.
Cost centersIn the settings, cost centers can now also be stored under the item "General". These can then be assigned to locations, departments and job types. |
LEaTcon HamburgFrom October 17 to 19, the LEaTcon will take place at the exhibition center in Hamburg, Germany. We are looking forward to having our own booth there for the first time this year and are already excited about the many interesting discussions during the trade fair. |
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Our boothYou will find us in close proximity to one of the networking areas at booth H5 in Hamburg. Click here for the hall plan. |
Make an appointmentYou would like to exchange ideas with us at LEaTcon? Then it would be best to arrange a personal appointment on site. Please send us a message via our contact form. |
German Tourism Day