Dear clients,
the festival season is slowly but surely coming to an end – but after the event is before the event. For the planning of the rest of the year we have again developed many new and useful CrewBrain features.
In addition to an even stronger internationalization with the possibility to record jobs in other time zones and to store freelancers with foreign currencies, we have, as usual, also extended the time recording with new features.
In this update info, we would like to present to you in detail all the new features that await you. All the features presented here will be available to you as usual from tomorrow, provided they are included in your tariff.
We wish you continued success with CrewBrain.
Your CrewBrain Team
InternationalizationCrewBrain is now used in 16 countries and more and more of our clients also operate across borders. As this brings some challenges in planning, we have now extended the system with some useful features in this regard. |
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Time zonesUntil now, there was only one default time zone for the entire comapany. In the future, each user will be able to select their own time zone under My Account > Settings, and a different time zone can also be stored for each job. In this way, jobs abroad and in foreign time zones can be planned much better. |
Multiple currenciesDo you work with freelancers from other countries who write their invoices in dollars or another currency? In the future, you can use the multi-currency package in CrewBrain to store this information for the freelancers and CrewBrain will then show their accounts in this currency. Within a job or project, the costs are also automatically converted into the company currency using the current exchange rate, so you always have an overview of the costs. |
Time recordingAs usual, we have also made some optimizations in the area of time recording. |
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ReportsIn the future, there will be a special dashboard widget that displays violations of the maximum working time or the rest period between two assignments. In this way, the employees in question can be specifically addressed, the reasons investigated and planning adjusted for the future. |
13-week averageIn the future, the average working time of the last 13 weeks can optionally be used to calculate vacation and sick leave hours. This will be calculated automatically by the system and then credited to the employee. Please note that a new statement period should be created when switching to this calculation. |
Synchronization with rental management systemsWhen synchronizing with various rental management systems such as Eventworx, Epirent and MouseClick, we have adjusted the logic so that shifts in working hours are now automatically detected if they are within a maximum of four hours. Personnel are automatically shifted to the newly created shifts in these cases. |
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Base dataThe further internationalization of CrewBrain is also evident in the base data. There are new fields, but also a useful function to increase the recognition value of service provider employees. |
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State & Address supplementFor addresses, there will also be fields for the respective federal state and for an optional address suffix in the future. This will make it easier to record and store international addresses in particular. |
Color and short names for subcontractorsSubcontractors can each be assigned a color and a short name in the base data. This shortens the display in the jobs, especially if the respective name of an employee is still mentioned. In addition, the color coding ensures a quick visual assignment of the individual employees to the respective subcontractor companies. |
Jobs & CalendarAlso in the calendar and in the jobs there are again a few small useful optimizations. Thus, in addition to the personnel requirements, the vehicle requirements are now also included. In addition, when copying jobs once to a specific date, only several individual dates can be selected. |
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Additional dataFor the additional data we have made an extensive extension in this update. |
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Height for text fieldsAn individual height can now be specified for text fields in order to adapt them to the expected content. |
Default valueFor each additional data field a default value can be defined, which is set by default for the field for new records.
Signature fieldAlso a signature field is now available as an additional data type. |
RoomsThere is a separate data type for selecting rooms. |
"Other" for dropdownsFor dropdowns, an optional "Other" entry can be added. If this is selected, the user can store his own individual value. |
Filtering in the request dialogIn the query dialog, it is possible to filter for specific additional data types. In this way, employees can also be selected quickly and easily according to individual data. |
CrewBrain-AppThe development of our app also continues steadily. In the last few days and weeks, there have been some important optimizations here as well. |
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Time clockIn the past, the time clock in the app sometimes had quite long loading times. We optimized this with a complete overhaul of the time clock in the latest version. |
Azure LoginLogging in via Microsoft Azure is now also possible in the app. However, a new endpoint must be added in the respective Azure account for this. Information on this can be found in our Wiki.
Notification-CenterThe Notification Center is now also available in the app, which can be used to view and edit push notifications at a later time. |
Further optimizationsIn addition to these major changes, we have also made many minor optimizations and bug fixes. The app is usually released more frequently than our major versions, so it is always recommended to have the latest version of the app installed. |
Trade fairs 2023More than half of the year is already behind us, yet we still have the majority of this year's trade shows ahead of us. We look forward to welcoming you personally at our booth at one of the following trade shows. |
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Deutscher Tourismustag