Latest innovations on the GigPlaner

The GigPlaner update introduces extended vehicle management, project functions, and new features like optimized calendar views, task subtasks, freelancer time recording, and API extensions, enhancing user experience and efficiency in planning and management.

Dear customers,

some of you may have already noticed that the period between two versions of the GigPlaner has become a little longer. While we released a new version every month on average until the beginning of this year, there is currently a new version every two months.

The reason for these extended update cycles is the fact that we are currently working on some major innovations, which we have to develop over several versions. As a small "foretaste" two of these features should be mentioned at this point: a strongly extended vehicle management with mileage recording and route planning as well as a project function is currently under development.

Nevertheless, a new GigPlaner version will be available tomorrow, which will bring you many useful extensions as usual. I would like to present these to you in the context of this update info.

I hope you enjoy reading the update info and wish you continued success with the GigPlaner

Sven Schlotthauer



We have extended the "heart" of the GigPlaner in this version again by some useful features. The weekly, availability, holiday and planning views have been optimized.

Week view and overviews

In the weekly view, subjobs can be grouped or displayed directly below the main job (this option can be changed using the gear icon above). In all overview tables (availability and vacation overview and in planning) the table can now be searched for employees.

Planning view

The planning view can be restricted to a job or its associated main job by clicking on the "eye" icon. In this way, this view can be used similarly to the personnel plan within a job, but has the advantage that basically all employees are displayed, even if they have not yet been requested for the job.


The feature of the tasks is still relatively new in the system, but there are already a large number of good and useful suggestions for improvement. We have implemented some of them in this version.


Starting with this version, each task can be assigned any number of subtasks. Alternatively, this function can also be used simply as a kind of "checklist" for the completion of the main task.

Intervals for Tasks

In addition to the target date, an interval can now also be assigned to a task. If, for example, the interval is set to "monthly", a new task will be created automatically when the task is completed and the target date will be set to the previous date plus one month.

Time recording for freelancers

Until now, freelancers could only use hourly, flat-rate or daily rates for statements. Since the desire for the features of time recording has arisen again and again for some of our customers, we have enabled this function for freelancers as of this version. It can be used whenever a freelancer receives a fixed and identical hourly rate for all jobs and offers the usual advantages of time recording such as the automatic deduction of breaks.

Travel expenses

If you are using our travel expenses feature, all employees now have access to the monthly evaluations for their own account. This gives an employee a quick overview of the total travel expenses for a month. In addition, it is now possible to copy travel expenses.

API extensions

With this version the API was extended by some new endpoints (e.g. for working hours and holidays). In addition, a field "FremdID" ("Foreign ID") is now available in many objects, in which the technical ID of another system (for example, a rental management system) can be stored. Since the data records can also be selected according to this ID, this also enables the complete connection of systems whose database itself cannot be extended by such information. Read more about it in the API reference.

Further optimizations

  • Order confirmations can now also be generated directly from a main job including all its subjobs. The necessary function can be found in the personnel plan (in the sub job list in the main job click on "personnel plan" in the upper right corner).
  • In all iCal subscriptions it is now possible to define if and when a reminder should be sent by the calendar program.
  • Within one job, there is a new print view that contains a compact job list similar to the compact personnel calculation for main jobs with many sub-jobs.
  • All downloads (e.g. in jobs, statistics, billing and time recording) can now be generated directly in Excel format in addition to the CSV format.
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