Interface expansion and many optimizations

The latest GigPlaner update enhances data protection compliance with the EU GDPR and introduces a new interface for seamless integration with other software, enabling subcontractor connections and improved time recording, while laying the groundwork for future features.

Dear customers,

the past few weeks have been marked by us – and probably also yours – above all by the introduction of the new EU GDPR. With the last version, we have already been able to provide you with all the tools required for data protection regarding the EU GDPR in the GigPlaner, so that we can already focus ourselves to new features with full force.

For the coming months, there are some very interesting features for which we are currently laying the technical foundations. For this reason, the new version, which will be available to you as usual from tomorrow, contains few visible changes in the user interface. Behind this, we made many technical improvements last month, e.g. with creating a completely new program interface with which the GigPlaner can be connected to other software solutions.

I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and wish you all the best

Sven Schlotthauer


The new interface

The GigPlaner already had an unofficial interface through which jobs could be read out and created for some time. Since we do not only want to enable a connection to other software solutions in the future, but also want to provide a link between GigPlaner accounts for subcontractors, we have significantly expanded this interface in the current version.

Interface Description

The interface description is available on our website at There you will find all the information you or your technicians / programmers need to access the GigPlaner via the interface. The known user names and passwords also apply in the interface so that anyone can access the interface with the rights defined in the GigPlaner. Of course it is also possible to create technical users with appropriate access rights.

Use cases

The interface is especially useful if you use not only the GigPlaner, but also other software solutions – for example, for billing or rental management. In this case you no longer need to capture the data twice, but you can automatically transfer and synchronize it via the interface. It is also possible to integrate it into your website so that jobs and their information can be displayed or requests from customers can be recorded directly in the system.

Subcontractor connection

Some of you are already waiting eagerly for the subcontractor connection, with which it will be possible in the future to automatically see your clients' requests in your GigPlaner account. The development for this feature is currently ongoing based on the new interface and is expected to extend across multiple versions due to its high complexity. Nevertheless, we would like to try to involve you as early as possible in the development and the first test options and will kepp you informed in the next newsletters.

Time recording with monthly target

So far, only the target hours per day could be specified in the time recording. As of this version, contracts with a target number of hours per month can now also be handled here. There is the new possibility to switch from "per day" to "per month" in the statements period for this reason. Subsequently, no more hours are specified for the individual days, instead the total number of monthly target hours is subtracted from the time account at the end of the month.

Further changes

  • If required, the deletion concept can now be initiated manually. If an employee is already deactivated, there are corresponding buttons at the bottom of the profile. This is especially necessary if an employee insists on the immediate cancellation of his personal data within the scope of the GDPR rights to which he is entitled.
  • Depending on the user group, it can now be defined whether the associated employees are allowed to see the remarks and telephone numbers of other employees in a job. In this way, it is possible to further enhance privacy (and, for example, not to display any more comments for everyone) or to provide all the phone numbers of the people involved.
  • Canceled or deleted employees can now be manually shown or hidden in the job. In this way, you have a history of who you have already requested for a job and canceled again.
  • The "My Jobs" view will now have the ability to sort jobs by not just the event date but also the request or posting date.
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